Sunday, August 23, 2009

A Few Days Off

This was a really cool sculpture at the Botanical Gardens in Boothbay Harbor. Enjoying the sunshine!

This pool was one of many with great flowers and sculptures.

Cone flowers (my favorites) and Russian Sage. Great combination of colors!

So did you ever wonder what to do with those old broken doors and other miscellaneous parts? Here is a perfect way to use them. This is a truly raised garden.

Anne, my sister in law and myself ran away for a couple of day. We headed to Boothbay Harbor to the Botanical Gardens. What a beautiful place, I was inspired with the variety of flowers and will be using some of them in some new designs. I just have to decide where to begin.

We camped out at a local campground in her Mini Winnebago. Swam in the pool all one afternoon, sat around a campfire and had yummy food. It was all too short of a time. But I took lots of pictures to remember the fun!

We are headed out to a small Fiber College in a couple weeks in Searsport where we will be setting up a tent and vending. It is at a campground so we will be "camping" again! What a great way to end the summer.

In the design department, I am very excited to be working on several new designs that will be available this fall. Included is a Christmas table runner, and balsam pillow. They are going to be easy and quick projects.

Check the website or see us at a show to see what is new!

So long for now, time to get busy stitching! Hope to see you soon! Trish and all at Attic Heirlooms!

1 comment:

  1. Hey! This is Dave's cousin Kristi here. I just found your blog and am looking forward to checking it out more. If your interested I am over on Rambling Woolysheep

    You can also post your blogger entries to facebook as a link too.
